Sunday, August 11, 2013


We did the Freedom Trail, a red brick road that goes around downtown for two miles so you can see all the historical Revolutionary War sites. Sorry New York, you are now tied with Boston for my top place to live. The history, the food and the cape style houses cannot be beat.

Salt Lake is just missing street performers. How much better would your walk to work be if you saw a scottish-unicycler-juggler? Your day would be better, I promise.

I'm the newest Boston Red Sox fan. I'm new to the whole American passion of baseball, this is only the third game i've been to. We (the Red Sox, obviously) were down 7-1 in the last inning. All the season ticket holders who go to four games a week left, but not us out of towners, we stuck it out for our team. The Red Sox came back and won it in the last inning. BEST GAME EVER. Huge celebrations, people and music all over the streets, I was living in Fever Pitch. Anyway, I like baseball now, it's a fun social activity, and interesting a few minutes out of the game. Go Red Sox!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013



There is just something so fun about piers. I wish I lived close to one so I could watch the sunset from them and ride their Ferris Wheels all night long. From the fresh seafood restaurants to the men fishing and drawing caricatures, they are a crowd favorite. Santa Monica is the all time best in my opinion. The only thing that would make it better would be fireworks :)

We tried to go whale watching the night before we left, but we only made it 20 minutes out before the fog made us go back to the port. We smooth talked our way onto the next boat in the morning. While I didn't see any whales the size of school buses or sharks (shark week starts August 5th!), we did see PLENTY of dolphins, which apparently are a type of whale. They really should advertise that on their whale guarantee. It was really fun to go out on the ocean and use all of my oceanography knowledge, or the lack there of, I mean it was freshman year after all.

Monday, July 22, 2013

R A C H E L ' S G A R D E N P A R T Y

^^ On each plate was a "He said / She said" game, and a goody bag stuffed with lemon cookies.

^^ We did find time to pin the mustache on Rachel's groom Kyler.

^^ Chantelle made these perfect looking, and even better tasting 
strawberry whip cream cupcakes.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

it's a small world after all (even in China)

For some awesome reason, I seem to have this ability to make the world a tiny tiny place.
One of my favorite ways is to play the "do you know" game and connect to a person by someone else-i'm pretty great at it if i may say so.
A not so great way is if i were to be talking about someone, then unavoidably they always seemed to be right there
And the greatest way is when you run into people who against ALL odds you shouldn't have.
ex. 1 my cousin in Shanghai
ex. 2 the teachers and one of my students from my Ningbo school in Xiamen at a random temple.

Caroline and i decided to go see the University (where we were surprise videoed for a birthday party) and then we walked through a temple where you try to get coins into the statue (behind me in the above picture). I was just being my normal competitive self trying to get the highest, when someone groped me into a hug and I could see Caroline so I knew it wasn't her (plus my family isn't really one of the hugging families...)
And who was it?
Angel my coordinator from Ningbo. Against all odds I tell ya.
This Day
This Temple
This EXACT time
5 million people

...i'm just happy i didn't spend more time at the turtle pond

life you're pretty great.

Monday, July 2, 2012

An arranged marriage

Today we yet again went to the tailor where he asked if I had a husband and then offered his apprentice to me. My husband could make all my clothes for me, what could be better?
We're the same age and i'm single, so in his mind it's perfect.
What do you think?
The tailor (whom we have yet to give an English name to) started talking so fast neither of us could catch his Chinese so we called a translator and she said he asked if we would stay and hang out with him. So the apprentice gave us a cold strange drink and after drinking it, very hesitantly though, apprentice brought out the red bull can with three times as much energy as American ones.
Guess we'll see if I can sleep tonight...
So we stayed and watched him sew and he took pictures with us and then we talked about the electronics, some nice girl talk while we sewed.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mr. Miyagi

After a great Subway Relief Society lunch we went to the fabric market and hung out with Mr. Miyagi and his apprentice while they sewed. We bought some really "nice" Hawaiian fabric and had Mr. Miyagi make the boys surprise matching shirts. He pulled up some chairs and faced the fan directly in front of us while we chatted. Then we ate at Chairman Mao's with the visitor from Utah and took the ferry to Gulong Yu to see the Island with all the lights

Thursday, June 28, 2012

on Thursday we go to the market-

A man from Lifetime was visiting so we decided to give him the classy local Xiamen tour and take him down the market and to Zhongshan Lu. I will miss these markets so much- pure entertainment.
ex. Today one of the ducks was making his last attempt at escape and was flying all over and landing in the fish water and getting the sellers all wet, while we sat there laughing so hard and trying to get a picture (fail).
Seconds later his life was ended in front of our eyes. (This is not the entertainment portion) I usually try to avoid these events and move on to animated chopstick sellers.

Earlier in the day we went to the art market, where our best friend hand paints us pictures and sells them to us for pennies pretty much. Seeing as it was hotter than .... he closed the door and turned on the AC (very very kind of him) and he typed in his computer and it translated into English for us and then we used our very small amount of Chinese to chat with said man.
Then we took photos with him and he insisted that we emailed them to him that instant.

Secretly I hope when we bring our family back next week and he's painted a picture of us and has it hanging in the shop.

That would be some serious laughs.